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Lvl I
Lvl II

Passive: Increases the Speed of the Hero by +1

Active: Boost the luck of the Farmer Squad by +1% for 10 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours

Passive: Increases the Speed of the Hero by +2

Active: Boost the luck of the Farmer Squad by +2% for 20 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours


Passive: Increases the HP of the Hero by +100

Active: On Builders, decreases the Recovery time by -1 and increases the Stamina by +3, last for 10 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours.

Passive: Increases the HP of the Hero by +100

Active: On Builders, decreases the Recovery time by -1 and increases the Stamina by +3, last for 10 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours.


Passive: Increases the Parry of the Hero by +2%
Active: Increases the resources obtained when using the Make Bread command by +20%, last for 10 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours

Passive: Increases the Parry of the Hero by +5%
Active: Increases the resources obtained when using the Make Bread command by +30%, last for 20 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours


Passive: Increasess the Hit of the Hero by +2%
Active: Increases the resources obtained when using the Make Tools command by +10%, last for 10 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours

Passive: Increasess the Hit of the Hero by +5%
Active: Increases the resources obtained when using the Make Tools command by +20%, last for 20 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours


Passive: Increases the Block of the Hero by +2%
Active: Increases the multiplier by +1 on luck for Refine Wood or increases the multiplier by +1 on luck for Refine Stone, last for 10 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours

Passive: Increases the Block of the Hero by +4%
Active: Increases the multiplier by +2 on luck for Refine Wood or increases the multiplier by +2 on luck for Refine Stone, last for 20 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours


Passive: Increases the ATK of the Hero by +5
Active: Increases the resources obtained when using the Hunt command by +20%, last for 10 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours

Passive: Increases the ATK of the Hero by +15
Active: Increases the resources obtained when using the Hunt command by +30%, last for 20 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours


Passive: Increases the Charisma of the Hero by +1
Active: Boost the Hit of the Squad by +5% and Hero by +5% for 2 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours

Passive: Increases the Charisma of the Hero by +2
Active: Boost the Hit of the Squad by +10% and Hero by +10% for 3 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours

Chief Engineer

Passive: Increases the Hit of the Hero by +2%
Active: On Builder, Miner and Lumberjack squads, increases the Movement by +1, last for 10 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours

Passive: Increases the Hit of the Hero by +5%
Active: On Builder, Miner and Lumberjack squads, increases the Movement by +2, last for 20 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours


Passive: Increases the Potential of the Hero by +1
Active: Boost the CRIT of the Squad by +2% and Hero by +2% for 2 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours

Passive: Increases the Potential of the Hero by +2
Active: Boost the CRIT of the Squad by +5% and Hero by +5% for 3 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours


Passive: Increases the ATK of the Hero by +5
Active: Increases the Max Stamina on any Squad by +5 for 10 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours

Passive: Increases the ATK of the Hero by +15
Active: Increases the Max Stamina on any Squad by +10 for 20 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours

Fortune Builder

Passive: Increases the Dodge of the Hero by +1%
Active: Increases the multiplier by +1 when a luck is succesful on a Make Grain command, last for 10 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours

Passive: Increases the Dodge of the Hero by +2%
Active: Increases the multiplier by +2 when a luck is succesful on a Make Grain command, last for 20 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours


Passive: Increases the CRIT of the Hero by +1%
Active: Boost the Luck of the Cook Squad by +1% for 10 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours

Passive: Increases the CRIT of the Hero by +3%
Active: Boost the Luck of the Cook Squad by +2% for 20 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours


Passive: Increases the Intelligence of the Hero by +1
Active: Boost the DEF of the Squad by +10 and Hero by +10 for 2 minutes Cooldown: 4 hours

Passive: Increases the Intelligence of the Hero by +2

Active: Boost the DEF of the Squad by +30 and Hero by +30 for 3 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours


Passive: Increases the HP of the Hero by +100
Active: Increases the resources obtained when using the Chop Wood command by +10%, last for 10 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours

Passive: Increases the HP of the Hero by +300
Active: Increases the resources obtained when using the Chop Wood command by +20%, last for 20 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours


Passive: Increases the Parry of the Hero by +2%
Active: Reduces the time on the Recovery command on any squad by -2 seconds, last for 10 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours

Passive: Increases the Parry of the Hero by +5%
Active: Reduces the time on the Recovery command on any squad by -4 seconds, last for 20 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours

Natural Born Leader

Passive: Increases the Leadership of the Hero by +1
Active: Boost the Block of the Squad by +5% and Hero by +5% for 2 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours

Passive: Increases the Leadership of the Hero by +2
Active: Boost the Block of the Squad by +10% and Hero by +10% for 3 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours


Passive: Increases the CRIT of the Hero by +1%
Active: Increases the Event chance by +2%, last for 10 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours

Passive: Increases the CRIT of the Hero by +3%
Active: Increases the Event chance by +4%, last for 20 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hour


Passive: Increases the DEF of the Hero by +5

Active: Boost the Luck of the Lumberjack Squad by +1% for 10 minutes Cooldown: 4 hours

Passive: Increases the DEF of the Hero by +15

Active: Boost the Luck of the Lumberjack Squad by +2% for 20 minutes Cooldown: 4 hours


Passive: Increases the DEF of the Hero by +5

Active: Increases the resources obtained when using the Stone Mining command by +10%, last for 10 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours

Passive: Increases the DEF of the Hero by +10

Active: Increases the resources obtained when using the Stone Mining command by +20%, last for 20 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours


Passive: Increase the Physicality of the Hero by +1

Active: Boost the ATK of the squad by +10 and Hero by +10 for 2 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours

Passive: Increases the Physicality of the Hero by +2

Active: Boost the ATK of the Squad by +30 and Hero by +30 for 3 minutes. Cooldown: 4 hours


Physicality: increases squads Stamina and HP.


Intelligence: increases squads DEF and Speed.


Leadership: increases squads Movement and ATK.


Charisma: increases squads Hit and Dodge.


Potential: increases squads Luck and CRIT.

Epic Games

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