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Adventure: Join the Count

Lord Mike 'The Count' Bisping, is inviting brave souls to join his formidable army. His reputation precedes him as a demanding, yet capable leader.

Path for Victory

Choice #1: Seek Advice

Choice #2: Refuse to Fight

Choice #3: Accept with Honor

Choice #4: Keep Quiet

Choice #5 Request to Leave

Choice #6: Tackle the Assassin

Choice #7: Any Choice is fine.

Special Victory (10+ Int.)

Choice #1: Seek Advice

Choice #2: Fight Aggressively

Choice #3: Challenge Bisping to...

Choice #4: Challenge the Plotters

Choice #5 Plead your Case

Choice #6: Guard Bisping

Choice #7: Unmask the True...

Note: it is possible to fail this route. To finish you must endure a lot of HP loss and high danger. Many attempts may be necessary. Good luck!


  • Basic/Legacy Male Farmer or Unique

  • 200-300 gold

  • 700 food

  • Note: a particular hero may only enter a regions adventure once per day. that hero may enter the same adventure again in a different region, however.

Join the Count Rewards
Join the Count Episode 01-07
Episode 01

You arrive at Lord Mike 'The Count' Bisping's encampment, eager to prove your worth. Almost immediately, you lock eyes with a rival knight who sees you as competition.

Offer a Friendly Greeting
Charisma will help you on this choice.

30 milk

+23 to 37 danger

< 287 food

Ignore the Knight
Intellect will help you on this choice.

60 grain

-6 to 15 HP

+10 to 28 danger

< 195 tool

Challenge Him Directly
Charisma must be 10+ to unlock


+6 to 11 danger

< 55 milk

Seek Advice
Charisma will help you on this choice.

40 coin

+5 to 14 danger

< 500 wood

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You approach your rival with a friendly gesture, hoping to diffuse the tension. This only seems to further antagonize him, adding fuel to his competitive fire.

You decide to ignore the rival knight and focus on your goal. This approach draws the attention of a mysterious veteran knight who sees potential in you.

You confront your rival directly, declaring your intention to best hin. This bold move catches the attention of the camp, earning you both admirers and detractors.

You seek advice from seasoned knights in the camp, attracting the attention of a wise, old knight who offers to mentor you.

Join the Count Episode 01-07
Episode 02

The Count's army is exclusive, and only the best will be allowed to join. To cull out the weak, Lord Bisping announces the first trial: a bare-Knuckle brawl against the rival knight from earlier. The camp watches in anticipation.

Fight Aggressively
Physicality will help you on this choice.

100 food

-5 to 15 HP

< 53 meat

Fight Defensively
Intellect will help you on this choice.

60 grain

-6 to 12 HP

+15 to 20 danger


Refuse to Fight
Charisma will help you on this choice.

50 coin

+14 to 20 danger

< 216 wheat

Cheat to Win
Potential must be 9+ to unlock.


+5 to 15 danger

< 87 grain

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You attack fiercely, overwhelming your rival but exhausting yourself in the process. Despite this, your victory earns Bisping's interest.

You maintain a defensive stance, frustrating your rival but conserving your strength. Your tactics, though not crowd-pleasing, pique Bisping's curiosity.

You refuse to engage in a fight, suggesting a peaceful resolution instead. This unexpected stance baffles the camp but intrigues a certain observant knight.

You employ underhanded tactics to secure your victory, gaining the ire of many, but impressing a small faction within the camp who admire your cunning.

Join the Count Episode 01-07
Episode 03

Impressed by your performance, Bisping challenges you to a bare-knuckle duel. The camp falls silent as all eyes are on you. It's not just about the physical strength here, but also a test of courage and character.

Accept with Honor
Leadership will help you on this choice.

150 stone

-2 to 10 HP

< 38 bread

Decline Respectfully
Charisma will help you on this choice.

40 coin

+11 to 20 danger

< 646 stone

Challenge Bisping to a Game of Wits
Intelligence must be 10+ to unlock


+14 to 20 danger

< 128 bricks

Go on the Offensive
Physicality will help you on this choice.

210 wood

-5 to 10 HP

< 101 grain

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You accept the challenge with honor and gratitude. A murmur of approval ripples through the crowd. Bisping raises an eyebrow, seemingly impressed by your valor. Regardless of the duel's outcome, your honor has earned you respect.

You respectfully decline, citing your exhaustion from the previous fight. A wave of murmors sweeps across the crowd, some voices carrying disappointment, while others express understanding. Bisping grunts, his face a mask of contemplation. Although you're unsure of his feelings, another knight sees an opportunity to turn you against Bisping.

Instead of engaging in another bout of fisticuffs, you propose a game of chess. Bispingg, taken aback,, agrees to your challenge. The tension mounts as the game progresses, both of you equally matched. In a surprising turn, you manage to corner Bisping's king. In a fit of frustration, he knocks the board away, scattering the pieces. Despite his unsportsmanlike reaction, there's a gleam of respect in his eyes.

You decide to throw the first punch, aiming to quickly subdue Bisping. The crowd gasps as Bisping stumbles back from your unexpected attack. He quickly regains his footing and retaliates, his experienced fists easily overpowering you. Despite the defeat, your audacious move has earned Bisping's amusement and curiosity.

                                            After the bare-knuckle brawls, a grand feast is held to  celebrate the fights' valiant contestants. Amidst the laughter, tales, and overflowing cups of mead, rumors of a plot against Lord Bisping start circulating around the tables. The feast takes on a sinister edge as whispered words float amongst the revelers. Are they plotting against their gracious host?

Episode 04
Join the Count Episode 01-07
Warn Bisping
Potential will help you on this choice.

30 coin

+7 to 14 danger

< 277 tool

Keep Quiet
Intellect will help you on this choice.

30 milk

+10 to 20 danger

< 420 food

Challenge the Plotters
Leadership will help you on this choice.

210 wood

-8 to 13 HP

< 274 wheat

Investigate Discreetly
Potential must be 10+ to unlock


-7 to 16 danger

< 138 planks

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Putting loyalty above all else, you take it upon yourself to warn Bisping about the rumored plot. Bisping regards you with a thoughtful gaze, appreciating your concern. As a result, he assigns extra guards for the night, providing a degree of reassurance to the camp and marking you as a trustworthy ally.

Uncertain of the plot's authenticity and unsure who to trust, you choose to remain silent. The feast continues under the shadow of the whispered conspiracy, but you observe everything closely, gaining insights into the alliances and rivalries within the camp.

Unable to tolerate the rumors, you publicly challenge those spreading the whispers. While some admire your direct approach, others see it as an impulsive act, confronting you. Nonetheless, the rumors stop, replaced by a tense silence, earning you a mix of respect and animosity in the camp.

Choosing a covert approach, you subtly begin an ivnestigation. Probing into the matter allows you to unravel connections and information about your fellow knights, allowing you to piece together a clearer picture of the conspiracy, and helping you take preventative measures. Your resourcefulness impresses some knights, earning you allies in the camp.

Join the Count Episode 01-07
Episode 05

                                            The grand hall echoes with the sound of your footsteps as you approach the high seat where Lord Bisping awaits. His fierce, steely gaze penetrates you. The torchlight flickers, casting shadows dancing on his battle-hardened face. There's an aura of immense power and authority around him. "Explain yourself," he commands, his deep voice echoing through the room.

Plead your Case
Charisma will help you on this choice.

90 meat

+25 to 40 danger

< 733 wood

Apologize for your Actions
Charisma will help you on this choice.

30 coin

+5 to 14 danger

< 444 food

Challenge His Authority
Leadership must be 10+ to unlock.


+3 to 5 HP

< 294 tool

Request to Leave
Intellect will help you on this choice.

210 wood

+10 to 20 danger

< 45 bread

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You choose to plead your case. Straightening your back, you meet his gaze. You lay out your reasons clearly, asserting your conviction with undeniable firmness. Your words echo off the walls of the hall. As silence descends, you can almost hear your heartbeat. Bisping finally breaks the silence, his stern nod a silent acknowledgement of your conviction. Your relationship with him strengthens, and you feel a surge of might coursing through your veins.

Choosing humility, you ow your head and apologize for your actions. You regret any discomfort or disagreement you might have caused. Lord Bisping stares at you in silence, his expression unreadable. He seems disappointed but also a bit touched by your remorse. He sighs, a heavy sound that reverberates throughout the grand hall. The apology marks an uneasy truce be you two. You gain an increased sense of might from this humbling experience.

Boldly, you step forward, refusing to be intimidated. You challenge Bisping, questioning his methods, his leadership, his authority. The room goes deathly quiet. Anger flares up in Bisping's eyes. You have just provoked one of the fiercest warriors in the realm, and it feels... invigorating. This audacious at marks the start of a bitter rivalry. You're energized, but you know you've made a formidable enemy.

Tired of the trials and tribulations of the camp, you decide to leave. You step forward and express your desire to depart. Bisping's eyes narrow, his lips pressed into a thin line. He says nothing but eventually, he waves you off, mark an eneventful end to your journey. You gain a slight increase in might as you leave, ready for whatever awaits you in the world beyond.

Join the Count Episode 01-07
Episode 06

The day after your confrontation with Bisping, an attempt is made on his life during the adrenaline-fueled horse race. As the crowd erupts into chaos, you notice a familiar figure in the turmoil - your rival.

Guard Bisping
Leadership will help you on this choice.

30 tool

+30 to 50 danger

< 151 bricks

Tackle the Assassin
Physicality will help you on this choice.

15 bread

-3 to 10 HP

< 96 milk

Face off against your Rival
Physicality must be 11+ to unlock.


-10 to 17 danger

< 76 meat

Depart from Bisping's Group
Potential will help you on this choice.

40 coin

+11 to 19 danger

< 126 grain

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Driven by your new alliance, you fight your way through the panicking crowd and protect Bisping from the assassination attempt. His gratitude is apparent as he solidifies your place in his inner circle.

Ignoring your own safety, you chase after the assassin, plunging into a fierce confrontation. Regardless of the result, your bravery in facing the assailant solidifies your standing with Bisping and his followers

Amidst the chaos, you decide to face your rival directly, initiating a climactic duel. While this act of personal vengeance compromises your relationship with Bisping, the satisfaction of confronting your nemesis is undeniable.

Tired of the trials and tribulations of the camp, you decide to leave. You step forward and express your desire to depart. Bisping's eyes narrow, his lips pressed into a thin line. He says nothing but eventually, he waves you off, mark an eneventful end to your journey. You gain a slight increase in might as you leave, ready for whatever awaits you in the world beyond.

Join the Count Episode 01-07
Episode 07

The aftermath of the horse race assassination attempt has left deep repercussions with Bisping's ranks. You are at the heart of the storm, your actions in the pandemonium having set your course. Today is the day to make your decisive move.

Lord Mike 'The Count' Bisping, is inviting brave souls to join his formidable army. His reputation precedes him as a demanding, yet capable leader. Are you ready to take on the challenge?

Pledge Undying Loyalty to Bisping

5 coin

Adventure Complete

Unmask the True Mastermind

Intelligence must be 10+ to unlock.

Adventure Complete

Defeat your Rival in open Duel

50 plank

Adventure Complete

Venture into the Unknown Alone

50 brick

Adventure Complete

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Epic Games

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