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How to withdraw coins to L1
Withdraw Tokens

There are many ways to withdraw currency to L1, but for this guide I will use:

  1. First, click the "Balances" menu in the top right corner of your screen. This will bring up a list of your currencies and a button to add funds or withdraw. Select withdraw.

  2. Next, select the currency you want to withdraw and enter the amount you would like to withdraw, then click the "Withdraw" button to continue. *Note: the withdrawal process can take 48+ hours to complete. Once a withdrawal is started, it cannot be cancelled.

  3. A withdrawal "pending" text will show in the top right corner of your screen now. When your withdrawal is ready, you will see that it has changed to a bright yellow "Withdrawal Ready" text. Click this to withdraw your funds to L1.

Warning: You will need ETH in your L1 wallet in order to withdraw your funds. The amount will vary for each withdrawal.


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