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Letters from Flora Eldrid
Parchment Background

As quill meets parchment, let the whispers of Flora Eldrid resonate through the corridors of time. With a heart laden with both foresight and sorrow, I pen these words in the ancient script of our realm.


In the dawn of this burgeoning world, behold the Lords staking claim to their lands and the farmers tending to their soil. Witness the heroes of diverse ilk, and see the gold flow from end to end. The lands burgeon and thrive as more and more souls arrive to partake in the construction of this nascent continent.


Having traversed much of this land, bearing with me fifty families, I can speak of what I have witnessed. I have seen it all. Our world is vast and beautiful, teeming with riches. Yet, every place holds its unique worth. And in certain locales, I know that at those points, there is where war shall begin.


For the heart of men is greedy, and all desire more, this truth is certain. The most powerful will advance their boundaries over the lands of their neighbors, erstwhile friends. Some shall dominate others until this ambitious ruler encounters a mightier one. It is at this juncture that the GREAT wars shall commence.


Having acquainted myself with the geography of this fragmented territory, I have identified natural obstacles such as rivers, mountain ranges, valleys, and deserts. These elements of nature shall dictate the formation of great human blocs, the macro regions of the "planet" BLOCKLORDS: Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, Southeast, and Central. Perhaps, in time, these areas shall bear the names of lakes, nobles, or fields where epic battles unfolded. For now, many names are yet to christenthis new world.


When the great alliances form and collide against

each other, that is when the fractures in this

world shall manifest. Wherever you may find

yourself, be prepared.

Flora Eldrid


When Wars Begin,

Catto Map
Epic Games

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