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Adventure: Arthur's Ascent

Caught in the whims of Lord Arthur, a zealous figure with an unusual wish to transform into a formidable warrior, you're enlisted to guide his journey to strength.

Path for Victory

Choice #1: Offer to Train Him

Choice #2: Ease the Training

Choice #3: Initiate a food...

Choice #4: Any choice.

Special Victory

coming soon.


  • Basic to Legacy Hunter or Unique

  • 200-300 gold

  • 600-700 meat

  • Note: a particular hero may only enter a regions adventure once per day. that hero may enter the same adventure again in a different region, however.

Arthur Ascent Reward
Episode 01

An Unexpected message arrives from Lord Arthur, known for his peculiar whims. He's on a quest to transform himself into a muscle-bound titan and is looking for a skilled warrior to guide him.

You seek advice from seasoned knights in the camp, attracting the attention of a wise, old knight who offers to mentor you.

Arthur's Ascent Episode 01
Offer to Train Him
Charisma will help you on this choice.
100 wheat

-6 to 10 HP

<15 meat

Suggest a Herbal Diet
Potential will help you on this choice.
50 bread

+46 to 56 danger

< 37 grain

Introduce Meditative Exercises
Intellect will help you on this choice.
50 coin

+11 to 20 danger

< 243

Challenge his Resolve
Leadership must be 11+ to unlock

+1 to 4 HP

< 99 wheat

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You openly question whether Arthur truly has the willpower to undergo a strenuous training regimen. Arthur takes this as a challenge and Insists you help him prove himself.

You see this as an opportunity to help and earn some coin. You offer your services and begin to plan a grueling training regimen.

You suggest an herbal diet, incorporating rare plants known for their invigorating properties. The concept of munching on unfamiliar plants gives Arthur pause, but he agrees.

You introduce a series of medittative exercises inspired by the camness of ancient monks, promising to improve both physical strength and mental focus. Arthur is enthusiastic about the novel approach.

Episode 02

With Arthur's determination kindled, you start him on an intense training regimen. However, after a few days, Arthur's motivation seems to be waning.

You seek advice from seasoned knights in the camp, attracting the attention of a wise, old knight who offers to mentor you.

Offer Encouragement
Charisma must be 11+ to unlock


-7 to 16 danger

< 17 bread

Push Him Harder
Physicality will help you on this choice

-150 wood

-8 to 12 HP

< 64 milk

Ease the Training
Potential will help you on this choice

-60 coin

+18 to +19 danger

< 163 food

Threaten to Quit
Leadership will help you on this choice

-120 meat

+43 to 50 danger

< 271 wood

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Frustrated by Arthur's lack of commitment, you threaten to quit. This seems to ignite a spark in Arthur and he vows to stick to the training.

Arthur's Ascent Episode 02

Seeing Arthur's wavering spirit, you ease the training regimen. He appreciates the respite and rededicates himself to the training.

You decide that Arthur needs to be pushed beyond his limits. Your grueling regimen proves too much for him and he collapses. You need to find a way to rekindle his spirit.

Seeing Arthur's wavering spirit, you ease the training regimen. He appreciates the respite and rededicates himself to the training.

Arthur's Ascent Episode 03
Episode 03

Despite initial skepticism, Arthur's training shows results, adding to his strength and stamina. However, as the training reaches it's zenith, Arthur is apprehensive about his progress.

Propose a Courtly Dance-Off
Potential will help you on this choice

-50 coin

+16 to 20 danger

< 299 stone

Initiate a Food Lift Challenge
Potential will help you on this choice

-300 stone

-6 to 10 HP

< 178 food

Shadow Boxing
Physicality will help you on this choice

-80 milk

-3  to 5 HP

+40 to 50 danger

< 118 tool

Encourage a Castle Clean-Up Race
Potential must be 11+ to unlock.


+11 to +17 coin


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To boost morale and improve flexibility, you propose a courtly dance-off. The rhythmic bouts of graceful chaos do wonders for Arthur's agility.

To make strength training more interesting, you initiate a food lift challenge, where Arthur lifts baskets of food instead of weights. The light-hearted competition yields impressive results.

Shadow boxing is introduced as a means to improve Arthur's reflexes. It's an odd sight, watching Arthur duel with imaginary foes, but the results are undeniable as his agility improves.

You encourage Arthur to participate in a Castle Clean-Up Race, turning chorse into a fitness activity. The unusual event leaves the castle gleaming and Arthur more vigorous.

Episode 04

Arthur stands before you at the end of the regimen in front of his entire court. He may not be a gargantuan titan, but he's evidently stronger and more confident.

Organize a Festival of Strength


Adventure Complete

Locked Choice


Adventure Complete

Advocate for Continual Training


Adventure Complete

Suggest a serenade to Strength.


Adventure Complete

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Arthur's Ascent Episode 04
Epic Games

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