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Adventure: A Vinous Quest

Embark now on Lord Ezra's journey, where the mysteries of artful winemaking and the pursuit of the perfect taste intertwine.

Episode 1: Seek the Legend...

Episode 2: Follow Traditional...

Episode 3: Celebratory Toast

Path for Victory

Episode 1: Consult Local Wisdom

Episode 2: Conduct a Ritual Blessing

Episode 3: Patience Pays

Special Reward


  • Basic to Legacy Farmer or Unique

  • Male w/ Valiant I

  • 80-200 gold

  • 200-300 wheat, 120-180 grain

  • Note: a particular hero may only enter a regions adventure once per day. that hero may enter the same adventure again in a different region, however.

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Episode 01

The eccentric Lord Ezra, a lover of rare wines, has uncovered an aged vineyard on his property. With a dream to restore the vineyard to it's former glory, he tasks you with searching the rarest grapes known to man.

Consult Local Wisdom
Charisma must be 11+
0 < 175 wheat
Delve into Historical Records
Intelligence will help you on this choice.
-60 coin
+51 to 62 danger
0 < 243 food
Seek the Legendary Vintner
Physicality will help you on this choice.
50 bread
-11 to -20 HP
0 < 294 milk, 0 < 199 plank, 0 < 188 brick
High-End Market Haul
Potential will help you on this choice.
100 gold
+47 to 51 danger
0 < 77 grain
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Your search leads you to the bustling markets, home to a vast array of unique and hard-to-find grape varieties. It may be an expensive endeavor, but you are likely to return victorious.

You engage with local farmers, listening to tales of unique grape varieties that once flourished in the region. Their knowledge offers a promising start to your quest.

Dusting off the age-old manuscripts in Lord Ezra's library, you uncover invaluable information about the diverse grapes that once graced the vineyard, guiding your search.

You choose a path that will test your endurance and determination. Venturing towards a high mountain, you seek wisdom from an elder legendary winemaster, who lives in solitude. His profound knowledge of vine cultivation and wine brewing could provide the ultimate answer to Lord Ezra's quest.

Episode 02

The search is over, but the work has just begun. Now, you must adapt the discovered grape varieties to the soil and climate of Lord Ezra's vineyard.

Follow Traditional Methods
Intelligence will help you on this choice.
-100 tool
+54 to 61 danger
0 < 100 meat
Innovate with Modern Techniques
Leadership will help you on this choice.
-60 coin
+42 to 52 Danger
0 < 246 stone
Seek Help from the Local Farmers
Charisma will help you on this choice.
-100 wheat
+57 to 62 danger
0 < 79 brick
Conduct a Ritual Blessing
Potential must be 11+
+5 to 10 coin
0 < 345 wood
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You propose a ritual blessing for the vineyard, inviting villagers to join. This event, filled with joy and positive vibes, not only strengthens the bond with the community but also brings a sense of sacredness to the new growth.

You decide to follow time-honored farming methods, making use of organic compost and aged wooden barrels for maturation. This approach nurtures the vines slowly but surely, embodying the patience that wine-making demands.

Believing in the power of innovation, you introduce modern agricultural techniques to the vineyard. This approach infuses the traditional methods with a touch of novelty, promising unique flavors.

You rally the local farmers to join the cause. Their experienced hands and invaluable advice breathe new life into the vineyard, enhancing the health of the grapes.

Episode 03
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With the first batch of grapes ripe for harvest, Lord Ezra is ready to taste the first batch of wine from his revitalized vineyard. The anticipation is palpable.

Celebratory Toast
-70 coin
Await the Perfect Moment
-150 wood
Involve the Community
-200 tool
Patience Pays
Need Intellectual I+
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Suggesting the wine be aged further for enhanced flavor, you manage to convince Lord Ezra to wait a bit longer. Though testing his patience, it promises an even finer wine experience. But many years will have to pass for anyone to savor it.

As Lord Ezra Uncorks the first bottle, you both raiser a toast to the successful quest and the rebirth of the vineyard. The satisfaction is as potent as the wine itself.

You convince Lord Ezra to wait for a grand event to unveil the wine. The delay amplifies the intrigue around the first sip, making the wait worthwhile.

You propose sharing the first sip with the villagers. Lord Ezra aapproves, and teh grand tasting becomes a community event, forging stronger bonds.

Epic Games

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